Wayland SADD

Town Forums
SADD has united with town leaders and local businesses in order to birng relavant and current issues to the parents, students, and locals of Wayland. Previous forums have discussed the legalization and dangers of marijuana.

School Presentations
As part of our education to the kids of Wayland, SADD often times birngs different speakers in to the schools to speak about the dangers of aclohol and other drugs as well as the cost of bad decisions. Previous speakers have been Cara Filler.
Fall Festival
In the fall, SADD puts on an annual fall festival. This festival offers raffles for town, cooking, and athletic gear as well as many games and activities. This event is held for children of all ages, and is welcome to all.

​Latest project
This year, SADD's focus has shifted to the younger generation. We currently are working on projects involving both the middle and elementary schools in order to further our outreach in the community.